Reflection 13th October

Reflection 13th October

Fairhaven and Kirkham Youth Groups at 3 Generate 2024   Reflection Mark 10: 15-16 says this: 15 Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.” 16 And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and...
Reflection 15th September

Reflection 15th September

Reflection on James 3 1-12 taken from The Message As the weather turned colder, I was making soup this week, I cut my finger in an awkward place that really hurt. It wasn’t even my sharpest knife it was a medium sized regular kitchen knife, the sort everyone has in...

Beauty for brokenness

This week in all the Churches Together in England, it is Education Sunday which encourages us to pray for everyone in the vast world of education. It is the start of a new academic year and the beginning of a new year in the Methodist Church calendar, and in our local...

Lent Challenge

Reading the early chapters of the Revelation I have been challenged by the question; “What is the Spirit saying to the churches of the Blackpool and South Fylde Circuit?” If we are to move forward, if we are to grow, then we need to seek answers to this question. I...

Love never ends

In 1 Corinthians 13: St Paul writes “Love never ends”. This is true and that it should offer us comfort . Love is there when we share a house; love is there if we are near neighbours; love is there when we are apart. Love is there when we communicate face...