Cliff blog no.2
19 October 2021
This blog will be a little different to the first blog I did as I’m going to write the highlights of the weeks and some funny things of course, also I will put pictures through out the blog.
So the rest of the month of September went really well, I am now happy to say I am settled in and am loving it, yes I miss being at home with family and friends but I am settled in, so thank you for your prayers.
I had a great start to the October month as mum and grandma came on the 2nd and took me out for the day which was really nice, I had a great day. so we started off the day by coming up to my room and they met my friends…… who by the way are amazing, then we went to the calver craft shop which was amazing it is so nice in there and they have so many things, we then ate at the eating place which was nice. Then we went into bake-well and had a walk around looking in the shops, then we went to Chat’s worth garden centre for drinks and cake, we also went to the farm shop there, then we drove around the grounds of chat’s worth…… it was absolutely beautiful. We then ended the having a pub meal and yes I did end up spiling my tomato soup all over my self and ended up back at cliff spraying them with stain remover and putting them in the washing machine, thankfully the stain came out but I did have to soak them overnight in my bath tub with stain remover.
So here at cliff we had the cold going around but we renamed it the lurgee, sadly I woke up on Sunday the 3rd with….. yes the lurgee and no voice so I was whispering all day, it was so hard…… because lets face it we all know I like to talk , but I did have a nice morning I went to chat’s worth house again but this time walked around the grounds with my friends, it was a really nice morning.
I spent the next 3 days whispering and my throat was so painful, trying to recover and regain my voice, which consisted of a lot of water, no talking and lots and lots of honey and lemon……. Oh and sleeping with my electric blanket on……thanks mum and grandma!!!!!! . Sadly I couldn’t go on the first peak pilgrimage but my friends did send me some photos of where they were.
Wednesday the 6th of October
we as a cliff year led morning prayers which is ……… interesting when you cant talk and only just getting your voice back but I did help out and read the bible verse and explanation.
Delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart- psalms 37:4
Our sessions with tom are going great, at the moment in daily devotions were going through the new testament so were reading through Matthew individually and writing notes about it, then as a group were doing an in-depth study on johns gospel at the moment were up to chapter 3 and its been great so far to hear others views on what certain parts mean. As a cliff year we have a book review to do in march so were reading five books and are reading them individually but when we get together for a session we talk about it and what parts stand out to us and what might help us in the book review, the book we have already read was called the simple gospel by Ben Jack who works for the message trust and is an evangelist so reading his book was really good as it broke down how to preach the gospel when evangelising simply without missing anything out so speaking the truth but simply, we also are getting to meet the others of the books so last week we got to meet with Ben Jack and speak to him about his book. The book we have recently started is called the story bearer I’m only on chapter 4, so I will get back to you on that one, I’m sure it’s a great book it is so far.
The week of the 11th of October
Monday- was a great day we had a session with the young evangelist here at cliff about our favourite bible verse/verses and I think everyone knows mine……yes you got it right mine is – 1 Peter 5:7 cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. I wear this verse everyday…. Like really I have it on my necklace which I wear every day, I have a cliff hoodie now and its on the back of that and at the moment its really cold so I’m practically living in hoodies , plus I have a bag mum made me with the verse in my favourite colour yes its purple and grey…… thanks mum!!!!!, so during that session he got us to think about how we act upon this verse everyday and it got me thinking as I’ve never been asked this question before my answer was I simply give it to God where ever I am I give it to God because everything is possible with him. My challenge for you is to think of your favourite verse or verses and ask yourself how can you act upon that? how do you apply it to your everyday life? Because since I’ve been here at cliff, I’ve learnt to be a true disciple of Jesus you must not only tell the good news, but you have to act upon it, act like a disciple would.
Tuesday – peak pilgrimage, we started at a care farm in the middle of nowhere and walked through some fields and played with the doh her named is poppy and she’s boarder collie and is so cute, so I spent some time with the others in deep conversation, some alone time just thinking and praying, and of course playing with the dog. We ended in Hearting-ton which is famous for cheese, and we then walked through a farm and over the railway bridge and had lunch, came back to cliff and had a nice chilled evening.
Friday- Samuel Chadwick’s lecture which is annual lecture that happens here at cliff this years theme was holy spirit in the new testament, I took some notes and it was really good, we first discussed how the father, son and holy spirit are equal but they are different, why is the spirit called holy spirit?
Holy means it is perfect and is right, always correct and is always with us in spirit, spirit means somethings that’s not physical but, in our hearts, and minds and is always there.
Why don’t we call Jesus, holy Jesus? He’s holy right? Because he sends out the spirit which is Pentecostal and is always engaged and wanting to be involved in our lives and Jesus sends out the spirit to us and the spirit comes.
Galatians- and because you are children, God has sent the spirit of his son into our hearts, crying abba! Father!
^^^^^ some notes I took.
This week!!
Tuesday- fun, it was peak pilgrimage day and I thought I was not going to enjoy it at all because it was forecasted to rain but be hot? weird I know, but it wasn’t terrible I tried to start the day in a positive way so at 8 am… I am still getting up early… I know its still a shocker, I prayed with the girls and decided to get my wellies on, go down for breakfast which was really good, we know eat in the student kitchen in the morning and I eat pastries like really nice like pecan slices, pane chocolate, croissants and cinnamon swirls and more… we always are asking for more breakfast items for the kitchen because you know where hungry students who run on food and coffee . Oh and I decided to take my wellies off to go to morning prayers but didn’t have enough time to get some proper shoes on… so went to chapel with two pairs of socks on which one pair was over the top of my leggings… Talk about fashion sense, I totally looked amazing but my feet were cold. So we started our walk at parsley where I jumped in some puddles and was loving life, and walked along the path that was an old railway track, as we started our walk we found this old hut that had been built, we then carried on our walk for a while in the rain and wind, but then found an old train stop and had some chocolate cake which was kindly baked by our program leads wife… it was really good, we then carried on our wet and windy walk but had a lot of deep conversations, and a lot of fun, we ended our walk in a church in monyash.
So I am coming HOME on Friday and coming back to cliff on the Thursday to get ready to leave on the Friday ready for 3 generate, where all cliff residential students are going to be in the park running all kinds of games, chatting and doing all sorts of other activities, meaning those who are coming will have to come see what’s going on in the park, I am very excited to see all those coming to 3 generate I hope your getting ready for a fun filled weekend because from what I’ve heard it sounds great
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